No one can stop you, no, not any advertisements, the friendly advice nor any increase in price. Only you can stop, or refrain from such "pleasures"Just think about this for a moment. If you are a regular drinker, you would realise that most people drink, "after drinking". There is this ever increasing marginal drink as you are getting drunk out of your head. Seldom do people go for a drink or two, except for the occasional drinker, or those who drink as an appetizer, or for heath reasons.
Why is it that when you are sober, you don't reach out for that drink. If one can stay at that state for a while, then, DONT DRINK WHEN YOU ARE SOBER! Sober for a day, then two, a week, a month, a year, then, the rest of all your life. It's nice to drink, but life can be better without it.It's a wonderful world, see it through the sober eyes, and befriend reality..that's what I did, and somehow found bliss.
A wonderful and glorious life to all.